Shambhala Treasures
Avalokiteshvara 白蘭木觀世音菩薩
Avalokiteshvara 白蘭木觀世音菩薩
A finely crafted wooden sculpture of Avalokiteshvara, created from a single piece of Michelia Champaca wood. The downward-facing hand (Varada Mudra) represents generosity and the bestowal of blessings. The intricate features of the face and crown signify wisdom, serenity, and the attainment of enlightenment.
Collectible's Dimensions:
Height: 57cm
Length: 22cm
Width: 15cm
Weight: 2.5kg
One-Piece Construction:
• Crafting such a detailed figure from a single piece of wood demonstrates both the skill of the artisan and the careful selection of the material.
• The unity of the material represents spiritual wholeness and the interconnectedness of all things, a principle central to Buddhist philosophy.
• 以整塊木材雕刻如此精緻的造像,不僅考驗匠人的高超技藝,也顯示對材質的嚴選與珍惜。
• 單一木料的完整性,象徵靈性的圓滿與萬物相連的意涵,這也是佛教哲學中強調的宇宙共生法則。